Monitoring – at a landscape scale

The NEP led a successful bid to Natural England in 2023 for some seedcorn funding, working closely alongside our partners BBOWT and the Chilterns Conservation Board.  The project’s aim was to identify whether the award-winning “Tracking the Impact” citizen-science-led monitoring programme that was developed by the Chilterns National Landscape, is appropriate to scale up to support the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (which in our case covers Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes).

Read our report assessing “Tracking the Impact and its suitability for land-scale scale monitoring”, with particular reference to Bucks and MK, here: Tracking the Impact – A valid monitoring approach for the Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Background – Tracking the Impact

Tracking the Impact (TTI) is an award-winning landscape-scale wildlife surveying programme in the Chilterns National Landscape. It was developed as part of the Chalk, Cherries and Chairs Landscape Partnership funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Since 2020, when the TTI scheme was first developed, a team of over 250 volunteers have gathered over 20,000 species records in the Central Chilterns. TTI adopts tried-and-tested protocols used by National Monitoring Programmes, including the Breeding Bird Survey, Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey, and National Plant Monitoring Scheme .

Volunteer training and ongoing engagement and support in survey methodology and species ID is central to the success of the scheme, with a blend of online and in-field training plus ready access to local expertise including through an active WhatsApp group. The TTI survey methodology generates estimated population and distribution trend data for birds, butterflies, and plants, across 78 x 1km squares in the central Chilterns. The aim is over the long term to provide a proxy for the state of nature at a landscape scale.

The NEP’s Natural England-funded landscape-scale monitoring project

Alongside a Steering Group we employed Wild Pear CIC consultancy to engage with key stakeholders (existing volunteers and experts) via interviews and workshops, to understand, simplify and articulate:

  • what is required for a monitoring scheme at the Bucks and MK scale
  • evaluate the extent to which “Tracking the Impact” meets those requirements, and, if so,
  • the challenges that face in scaling up of the scheme – alongside recommendations to overcome them.

With particular thanks to our partners: