
Everyone from schools to window box gardeners can help pollinators.

We have gathered together some resources to help you inspire you with ideas and advice on getting started. Click on the images to download one of the info sheets, or check out our Bucks Buzzing activities.

How will you get Bucks Buzzing?

The infosheets above contain links to external websites.  Although we endeavour to ensure these links are accurate, up to date and relevant, Bucks Buzzing cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers but please let us know if you come across broken or misplaced links.

‘Tis the season to Bee jolly with Bumblebee Snowflakes

Show your Christmas spirit and your love of pollinating insects using this Bumblebee Snowflake pattern. Simply print out, fold and cut, or use it as inspiration to develop your own bee-design.

Download the Bucks Buzzing Bumblebee Snowflake Pattern (pdf)

Celebrate pollinating insects with British bee bunting

Download the template and instructions to decorate your home or garden with some of our favourite bees!

No printer at home? Try drawing your own favourite bees, butterflies and other insects. We’d love to see what you come up with.

Download the British bee bunting template

Butterfly and moth colouring sheets

Butterflies are not only beautiful and colourful insects, but they are important pollinators! Learn about butterflies with our three butterfly colouring sheets. Once you’ve coloured in your sheets, why not try displaying your creations as butterfly bunting?

Butterfly Colouring Sheet 1


Butterfly Colouring Sheet 2


Butterfly Colouring Sheet 3


And don’t forget about moths! Moths are a diverse and spectacular group of insects, as well as being important pollinators, so we have a colouring sheet for moths too.

Moth Colouring Sheet
Butterfly colouring sheet (Bucks Buzzing)

Nature-based crafts

Get creative with some crafts and activities using natural materials:

Dried Wildflower Medallions

Make a Bee Bath

Hapa Zome – Leaf Art

Seed Balls (external link to the Wildlife Trusts)

Download our Bucks Buzzing activities

At the Bucks County Show 2019, we brought along some fun colouring activities. We asked people of all ages to decorate a wildflower with their favourite thing about nature and add it to our wildflower meadow. Click to download our wildflower cut-outs.

We also had a Pollinator Colouring Sheet to take away. Can you identify all the pollinators on the sheet? Click here to reveal the answers!

Bucks Buzzing Love Nature Wildflower Meadow

Assess your plot: how Bee kind is your garden?

If you’re wondering how to make your garden more pollinator-friendly, the Bumblebee Conservation Trust is here to help! Use their Bee kind tool to discover whether the flowers in your garden are bee-friendly and to get recommendations for other flowers you may want to plant to really get your garden buzzing.

B-Lines School Pack

Buglife has created the B-Lines project to build a network of wildflower meadows across the UK and help link existing wildlife areas together.  To encourage schools to get involved, Buglife has developed a set of pollinator teaching resources for primary schools including downloadable lesson plans supporting the National Curriculum. Great for schools, and fun for families too!



Managing hedges to benefit pollinators

Hedges can assist with healthy, diverse wild pollinator populations in farmland. The Campaign for the Farmed Environment has produced a helpful leaflet with advice for managing hedges with pollinators in mind.

Pollinator Monitoring Scheme

Monitoring pollinator populations is an important part in helping to understand and protect pollinators and their habitats. If you’d like to get involved, the Pollinator Monitoring and Research Partnership (PMRP) has developed the ‘FIT Count’ to engage volunteers of all ages and abilities in wildlife recording in their patch.


Wild About Gardens

A partnership between the Wildlife Trusts and the RHS, Wild About Gardens has practical advice for things to do in your garden all year round

Is there something else you would like to see here? Please contact Bucks Buzzing, we’d love to hear from you.

Many of the links above are to partner websites. Although we make every effort to ensure these links are accurate, up to date and relevant, Bucks Buzzing cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers. If you would like to report a link on this page as broken or unsuitable, please contact us.