30 Days Wild – Day 16: Elephant hawk-moth

Moths matter! Not only do they pollinate, but they come in such an amazing array of colours, patterns, shapes and sizes.

I’ve been waiting for a dry night to do some basic “mothing” (finding and recording moths) at home in the garden. Moth traps can be quite elaborate, but mothing doesn’t have to be. You can make a simple moth trap with a sheet, a clothes line and a bright light. Butterfly Conservation has produced a pretty straight-forward fact sheet called “How to start mothing” to help people like me (interested, but hardly experienced or knowledgeable) get started. 

I don’t think I’ll spot anything as exciting as an elephant hawk-moth in my urban garden but I’m curious to discover…

If you love moths, we have a Moth colouring sheet in the Bucks Buzzing Resources area or get involved with your local branch of Butterfly Conservation. Despite the name, they love moths too. My local branch is the Upper Thames and they are a fabulous group of people.