South Western Commons

An area with a diverse geology, topography and biodiversity. The higher ground, acid grassland and heaths of Lane End and the lower areas of chalk. This BOA connects with Hambleden & Wormsley Valleys BOA.

Area Coverage: 360 ha
Local wildlife sites: 2
BAP Habitat: 
Lowland Dry Acid Grassland: 1 ha
Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland: 9 ha
Lowland Beech & Yew Woodland: 35.5 ha
Lowland Meadow: 2.5 ha

Joint Character Area: Chilterns

Landscape Types: Wooded agricultural land

Geology: Mudstone (including London Clay). Moorend Copse contains swallow holes where streams drop through the clay into the chalk beneath.

Topography: The land generally drops away gently to the south. There are two adjacent valleys with much steeper sides – to the south east near Marlow and the Hambleden Valley to the west.

Acid Grassland – There are 2 areas of lowland dry acid grassland at Moorend Common SSSI.
Lowland Meadows – There is an area of lowland meadow at Frieth Meadows SSSI.
Heathland – There are areas of heathland on Moorend Common SSSI.
Woodland – including areas of Beech High Forest and Wet Woodland (wet woodland at Widdenton Park Wood SSSI).

Lowland Dry Acid Grassland – Management, Restoration, Creation
Lowland Meadows – Management, Restoration, Creation
Lowland Heathland – Management, Restoration, Creation
Woodland – Management, Restoration
Hedgerows – Management, Restoration
Arable Field Margins – Management, Creation

Places to visit:
Lane End Parish Council own Moor End Common. There are numerous footpaths across the area.