Our Structure

NEP Board

The Board is made up of appointed members from the founding partners and new partners invited by the Board with the capacity to provide strategic leadership.

Partnership Manager

The Partnership Manager provides the link between the Board and the Working Groups, to enhance the delivery of the NEP objectives.

Working Groups

Working Groups work to deliver key elements of the Strategic Work Plan. Each group will be self-serviced and self-appointed. However, the Board and Partnership Manager will provide strategic direction and support.

There are currently three Working Groups in operation:


The NEP Biodiversity Group aims to deliver biodiversity targets, as described in the NEP Biodiversity Group TOR Dec 2014. The Group will promote work at landscape-scale focusing on Biodiversity Opportunity Areas (BOAs) and key sites which support biodiversity such as Local Wildlife Sites (LWS). The Group will develop and promote partnership, including the establishment of active leads for BOAs, engagement with land managers and other sectors such as health and business.

Forward to 2030: Biodiversity Action Plan

Planning & Environment

A new task group which focuses on ensuring the value of the natural environment is embedded in all aspects of planning, including responding to Local Plans and landscape-scale infrastructure projects.

Responses to Local Plans

Green Infrastructure and Health

The NEP Green Infrastructure (GI) Group aims to promote coordinated thinking and action which focusses on the provision of a GI network which maximises multi functioning benefits for healthy people and environment. The group will look to review the Buckinghamshire Green Infrastructure Strategy and encourage the implementation of projects which are in line with the Delivery Plan. A key challenge is the incorporation of GI into new developments and the group will aim to share best practice. Projects related to other linked agendas will be supported for the common good, such as the Green Space Means Health project which has been running in urban areas across the county.

Vision & Principles for Green Infrastructure
Green Infrastructure Opportunities Mapping